The license key costs €300, but is now available at an introductory price of €150 until the 50% discount is withdrawn.


  1. Connect your HomeCenter and your Nilan machine as described here.
  2. Download QuickApp and install it.
  3. Configure it correctly as described the Quick Start Guide
  4. If you use multiple instances of this app on the same HomeCenter, you have to change each app_name variable to be unique.

Request License Key

  1. For this you will need your billing information (e.g. name & address) and some data from the App main screen:

  2. Fill in and submit the License Key Request Form.

  3. Within a few days you will receive a fee invoice for the license key,

  4. After payment I will send your license key to the e-mail address you provided.

Activate License

  1. IMPORTANT: before you activate the license, it’s worth setting the inheriting properties of the Main app (room, permissions, etc.), so that you won’t have to do this for each child app that will be created.

  2. IMPORTANT: You can disable each subsystem before activating the license. If you do not have certain components (e.g. no HPS and DHW) and/or you only want one user level, e.g. because you are in a single-user system and only need the Admin level, you can set this in advance in the Main App “Disabled Subsystems” multiselect option.

  3. Once you have received your license key, open the variables tab again and edit license_key variable.

  4. Copy the received license key and save it.

  5. Don’t forget to click the Save button below the list of variables.

  6. After restarting the QuickApp, 8 more QuickApps are created, with which the full functionality of your Nilan heat pump becomes available.

Enjoy the QuickApp Forever

With the correct license key, the full functionality of QuickApp become available. In fact, not only the current version, but all future versions of QuickApp will became fully functional forever with this single license key.

For more information on how to use the ChildApps created, click here.

If you want to use this QuickApp in Scenes, this might be useful reading.